After flying around the room, fretting and flitting, the sparrow tired and exhausted with its endeavor, sat on a window sill. It was looking for an opening unto the freedom of the blue sky. It sat engrossed in despair and despondency, unaware of the open window on the sill of which it was sitting.
The master was watching this, bemused. He allowed for some minutes to pass by and the bird to become still. And then he suddenly he clapped loudly.
The sparrow was startled. It was like a gentle shock that broke the reverie. And the moment this happened, it saw the open window and through it flew unto the freedom of the blue sky. Never to come back and get stuck within the confines of the room.
You have also come here to be awakened from your reverie and attain freedom to participate in the cosmic mission.
It is meant for you, you and also you. It is meant for all of us. Not just for a chosen few.
Startling, shocking events are welcome interventions to the process of attaining freedom from limits of your smallness and getting inducted into the cosmic organization of Life Inc.
You may choose to be lost in your endeavors and reveries allowing the interventions to go unheeded. Or you may choose to be restful and reflective, even as you go through the routine business of life, to be able to hear the sound of the clap and notice the gateway unto freedom.
The interventions are a part of the cosmic design to get you inducted. Every time you choose to let the interventions go unheeded, it promises to return with a harder and perhaps more painful shock. Which, if repeatedly ignored, can also be perishing.
Attaining freedom from the limits of small ness and getting inducted into the magnificent cosmic process and purpose is not a function of time. You don't have a road map with milestones. You don't need a learning curve to go through. You cannot 'try' to be there. These are mere excuses for you to skirt around the inevitable cosmic agenda.
Awakening, knowing and responding - it all happens in a moment. An explosion of sorts that launches you in the cosmic orbit.
Each moment comes with an invitation to get inducted. Including this very moment! Now !!
Are you ready?
True. We should live every moment with awareness.