An intro to Neilism

'What' is said is never as important as 'where' it is coming from - the 'why' of the 'what'. And most important is 'who' says it.
All of 'what' is expressed out here is born
out of my personal experience. Not physical, intellectual or emotional experience but deeply conscious inner experience.
I am not the author. My lips are lend, my hands harnessed for the Universal expression to flow out here.
I am therefore just an expressionist, a narrator.

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You will find more of such expressions in my video channel out here.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Myth of emptiness

Emptiness has become one of the favorite words of glossary of the noveau spritual wisdom. It's promiscous use has hardly left any scope of any emptiness around.

Just like a ray of sun peeping in through an open window into an empty room shows up the suspended dust particles, so does awareness show the suspended thoughts in our space of mythical emptiness.

Surrender to the fleetingness of this reality. Accept all that is there suspended. Afterall, emptiness is a something that comes with infintite potential to be filled.

Wake up from the dream of being awake. And be(a)ware of the dangersously trojan ego of egolessness.

There can't be anything more suicidal than the ego of egolessness .

Let there be love and only love!!

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