An intro to Neilism

'What' is said is never as important as 'where' it is coming from - the 'why' of the 'what'. And most important is 'who' says it.
All of 'what' is expressed out here is born
out of my personal experience. Not physical, intellectual or emotional experience but deeply conscious inner experience.
I am not the author. My lips are lend, my hands harnessed for the Universal expression to flow out here.
I am therefore just an expressionist, a narrator.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Year 2010 - a year of awakening and evolution

The Year 2010 is a year of awakening and evolution.

Awakening to the truth of transcendental reality beyond the illusion of dyadic realities. Evolution of mankind from the 'maya' of drawing power from external sources to discovering and uncovering the infinities source of The Power Within.

It is a year of co-existence and harmony of the dvaita (2) and the advaita (1) amidst the primordial truth of the shunya (0).

The essential energy of the prime number 67 snuggles inside life-force inherent during this period. It will manifest in seemingly disruptive changes in the external environment calling upon us to respond from the freshness of our conscious presence. It demands a sustained spirit of inquiry and expanded consciousness for us to sense and see beyond the limited linear logical view that we are habituated to.

While the Universe in it's own way will intervene to accompany us in this journey of awakening and evolution, The Power Within @ Home - as the event has been ground up meant to be - would be a catalytic process for us to co-discover and co-create new evolving realities for ourselves. In harmony with other fellow humans. Sharing the pleasure and pains of movement. Transforming our loneliness to alone-ness.   This note is a gentle knock on the doors of consciousness. A call of compassion to move out of the dream of being awake to experience true awakening.

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