There used to live in a village a old woman, all by herself.
One evening, a villager, as he was passing by her house, saw this old woman searching for something frantically underneath the lamp post, next to her house. Curious, he inquired of the woman what was she looking for. “My needle, son”, replied the woman. The man, with an intention to help asked her, “But where did you lose it.” The old woman thoughtfully mumbled, “Inside my house, when I was sewing.” This time the man was perplexed. “Why are you looking for something that you lost inside, on the street”, asked the man with astonishment. “The sun has set, my child, and it is dark inside. So I thought, I will come out and take help of the light coming from the lamp post to search for it.”
Such is the state of man today. Looking for the innocence and integrity that he lost inside, all around, except within. And because he knows he can never find it, he is looking for the enemies out there to prosecute.
You cannot fight corruption. It is not a thing. It is the absence of integrity and innocence. How can you fight the absence of something? How can you fight a shadow?
The only way it can be dealt with is by awakening the innocence and integrity we all were born with.
Integrity is not just about being fair and honest. In the true sense it means integration of the warring elements inside of us. It means coming to terms with those parts of our persona that we have shied away from, acknowledging them as integral parts of the whole in-divi-dual and accepting them with compassion towards one’s own self.
And when this happens, it virally infects those around us. To start with the smallest institution that we belong to, spreading out to infect the entire country or may be the world itself.
How do we become aware of the disintegration? How do we get to see them, know them and then acknowledge and accept them?
STEP 1 – Readiness to believe that the enemy is NOT out there and that I am a part of the problem. Rather I am the problem.
STEP 2 – Watch how you behave in so-called corrupt ways in your own personal contexts, albeit, with not so harmful outcomes. Watch like a by-stander, a mute neutral witness.
STEP 3 – Inquire where is it coming from. Keeping asking ‘why’ to the behavior and look for responses pointing towards causes in you, till you reach the small, neglected self, craving for more.
STEP 4 – Hold this self of yours by hugging yourself tightly, assuring that you are ready to acknowledge his / her existence and keep in touch, with all compassion.
Believe you me, if you can do this right in full earnest, you will be strengthening the hands of that man who is fighting for you a lonely battle and make his mission successful, with less effort and strife.
Remember, however, the first, as always, is the defining step. If you are not authentic with it, subsequent steps will not work.
And if you feel you need help to initiate the process, need someone to help you find the Master Key to transformation, please click here
I will be there in person to guide you back to the world of innocence and integrity.
The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder,
And the robbed is not blameless in being robbed.
The righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the wicked,
And the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.
Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured.
And still more often the condemned is the burden bearer for the guiltless and unblamed.
You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked;
For they stand together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together.
~ The Prophet