I loved with fanatic zeal
Single-minded and completely
Justifying it as an act of faith
Of purpose and cause
I drew from this love the nectar of existence
The very reason for my substinence
Till existence
Chose to distance
My love from me
Making me feel
Painfully abandoned
The blinding pain
Of severance
Not allowing me to perceive
To ackmowledge and receive
The love of mankind
The gentle balm of
Univeral compassion
That promised to engulf
To protect and preserve
Till I could move out of
The orbit of
To stand out and watch
Neilism. Very akin to nihilism. An 'ism' of ism-less-ness. Depicting unconditional freedom that we were born with. Reminding how the very pursuit of 'freedom' can be shakling. Embracing paradoxes. Questioning norms. Upholding the gifts of life. And busting myths of 'rights'.
An intro to Neilism
'What' is said is never as important as 'where' it is coming from - the 'why' of the 'what'. And most important is 'who' says it.
All of 'what' is expressed out here is born out of my personal experience. Not physical, intellectual or emotional experience but deeply conscious inner experience.
I am not the author. My lips are lend, my hands harnessed for the Universal expression to flow out here.
I am therefore just an expressionist, a narrator.
If you find this resonating with some truth in you, please subscribe. You will find more of such expressions in my video channel out here.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Lest I get to Him
Was looking for him for many ages
Through many paths, many stages
Many doors knocked
Worshipped my sages
Many rituals and rites performed
Many books and scriptures adorned
Was looking for him everywhere
In all my acts, in all my crazes
Till one day I reached his doorstep
Had glimpsed him earlier sometimes
Somewhere far away near the stars
And by the time I could go there
He was not near anywhere
But today finally I have reached his doorstep
Even the sign shows his name
Excited and joyous having reached my destination
Took in my hand to knock the chain
Was about to tap the door
When suddenly was overcome by a fear
What will happen
If the door opens and
And he comes near
What will I be left with to do
What will I left with to pursue
What goals and objectives will lead me now
What pre-occupation and passion will drive me now
If I get him
There won’t be any more
Any journey, any sojourn
No destination, nothing to earn
Trembling with fear
I released the chain, softly
Lest the knock makes him open the door
Took off my shoes to
Gently tip-toe down the stairs
Lest that the sound of my footsteps
Are heard
I ran with all my might
Away till I was out of sight
Never daring to look back
At what could have been the end of my fight
You will find me looking for his house everywhere
In different places – dark and fair
Though I know where it is
I still ask for his address
Though I know it full well
I still look for him, the place of his dwell
Far far away, sometime, somewhere
I glimpse his awesome presence -
And I am sure he would have left
Till I could manage to reach him there
So I continue to look for him everywhere
Except the place where he lives
I never ever go close to his dwelling
My pathways now designed
To keep me away from straying
Lest I get to Him.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Your illegitimate children
Realities of life
That you were running away from
Shook you up awake today
And made you open the doors
To let life in
Life - that was abandoned
Ages ago
Along with Shame
Guilt, Remorse and sorrow -
Your Illegitimate children
Who you believe
Do not have a right
To co-exist with your
Adopted child - Happiness
They have been hovering around you
Waiting at the door
Hoping innocently it would open one day
And you will let them in.
Today they are staring in your face
Right at your doorstep
Looking for their step sibling
With a silent prayer to be let in
Knowing that they belong to you
You watch them from a distance
You have no option now
But to give them space and let them in
Worrying what will happen to your
Designer children - Joy and Peace
And to your dream adopted child
Illegitimate children -
Never mind even if they belong to you
Are illegitimate after all
You see your distanced children
Closing up on you
Seeking ownership
Yearning to to be held by your
Essential other - Love
You allow them, accept them
Continue to watch them -
Growing, overwhelming, overbearing
Making you loose your identity
Making you believe
You are them
Your illegitimate other
Till love enters - lightening up the space around
In soft hues of gold and pink
Dispelling the gloom and doubt of identification
Bringing your awarness to your awareness
That you are not your emotions
Your feelings, your sense perceptions
You are not your dreams and imaginations
You are the space in which they appear
And you are the one who is aware
You ARE the awareness
The knowing
The Now.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The original sin of knowledge acquistion
Original sin is said to result from the Fall of Man, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden.
And we still continue to crave for knowledge - the most potent hallucinogen which is not only postponing the awakening of man's consciousness but also making him dream that he is awake.
Ironically, knowledge therefore is the biggest cause of ignorance, the inner darkness.
The addictive nature of knowledge acqusition makes it a never ending, ever increasing pursuit.
And more he acuires knowledge, farther does man move away from the realties of existence.
"Missing the mark" again and again.
PS : The root of the word sin in Hebrew means "missing the mark". :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Enterprise Awareness – the way out of the econo-karmic cycle
It is absolutely fallacious, in the first place, to view organizations as mere economic entities. All humanistic systems, no matter with what intent or accident they have been created with, are living evolving ecological entities – organismic in nature. This fallacy has led to believing in the lifelessness and powerlessness of organizations to transcend man made forces like that of economy.
No, I am not talking of any breakthrough strategy or best practice drawn by analyzing from the past for attaining enterprise nirvana. Enterprise deliverance or nirvana is on the contrary possible by moving out of analysis and awakening the enterprise awareness.
Enterprise awareness is not about thoughts, words or actions. In fact all that you label as actions are reactions. Come to think of it all action plans – be it responding to a customer enquiry, designing a solution or even ‘proactive’ customer support - all of these are ‘reaction’ plans based on the picture-framed thoughts of the past which you often call knowledge. Ordinarily most enterprises as they are today are not capable of any original action unless they have awakened the Enterprise Awareness.
Enterprise Awareness is a collective intelligence of the enterprise which is much higher than the collective rational and emotional intelligence. Like a mirror it reflects the present and gives rise to fresh, spontaneous actions. Such action is a response and demonstration of true response-ability. Conscious awareness-led actions are not governed by any limiting laws of economy. However, they create and enhance value of the overall ecology. All innovations, pioneering initiatives and practice leaderships have emerged from such awareness and actions emanating there from.
How does one awaken the enterprise awareness? The obvious answer is by mastering the enterprise thinking which is easier said than done. You don’t ‘think’ – it does not happen by choice. On the contrary you are a slave to your mind full of thoughts. So then how is enterprise awareness awakened? The simple yet alien technique of all techniques which can bring any entity to a state of conscious awareness is witnessing.
It may be worth recognizing at this point in time that awareness – whether it is individual or institutional - is eternally virgin. It is gifted at the instance of inception and with it comes the natural ability of witnessing. To be a witness therefore you need to unlearn the habituated language of thoughts and to do that you need to quieten the mind. In fact you need to negate the mind as a silent or quiet mind is an oxymoron. In silence the mind dies and with it the thoughts and the sense of identification.
Another important rule to observe is to slow down chasing your competition. It will take you no farther than the next traffic signal where you are stopped along with your contender. Slowing down and stepping back throws you out of your habitual pattern of mindfulness and gets you in touch with your primordial awareness.
All thoughts and words emanating there from are judgmental and evaluative in nature. Remember even when you are complimenting someone you have intruded with your thoughts into the pristine presence of the other. Withhold judgments and evaluations. In fact withhold, if possible any language, for most language learnt and used by us are judgmental in nature.
Finally stop identifying yourself with the events around you. Being a witness demands non-association with problems solutions, opportunities, threats, constraints and enablers. It demands a certain amount of passivity as a witness and therefore a certain amount of surrender to accept things as they are. The actions that will arise from such innate intelligence will not only help you transcend the karmic cycles of economy but also tap into the non local ecological awareness – the universal awareness in which all life exists – leading to being in perfect harmony with enterprise evolution.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Myth of emptiness
Just like a ray of sun peeping in through an open window into an empty room shows up the suspended dust particles, so does awareness show the suspended thoughts in our space of mythical emptiness.
Surrender to the fleetingness of this reality. Accept all that is there suspended. Afterall, emptiness is a something that comes with infintite potential to be filled.
Wake up from the dream of being awake. And be(a)ware of the dangersously trojan ego of egolessness.
There can't be anything more suicidal than the ego of egolessness .
Let there be love and only love!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A call of compassion
In the current context, however, if we look around at what is happening around us, it will be evident that the existence of all that we are deriving power from is being threatened – the money that buys us comfort, the workplaces that promises our position, the social security, the energy that powers our devices, the fuel that runs our vehicle.
Have you ever thought what could be the scheme of things? Where are we being led to?
Could it be that the humanistic system is calling upon us to discover and anchor ourselves in the infinite source of The Power Within? Something that we have been blissfully unaware of and postponing the discovery for a long time?
Could it be that in the coming years, which according to some is as close as 2012, we shall have nothing in the external to live upon and that in order to survive we shall be required to create our own realties by consciously investing in our innate life-giving forces, our potentials, which incidentally, are much more than what has been realized?
Could it be that because we, as human beings, have not exercised the choice that was given to us to evolve consciously, we are being confronted with threats of extinction?
Well, the choice to perish or preserve our being lies with us. Unlike most other natural beings, Nature is not going to take care of our evolution. We are privileged to have been endowed with the power to self-transform and the choice to do so. And those who do, shall evolve (and therefore survive). Those who are working towards surviving somehow shall not.
Here's a call to those who sense the urgency and wish to take the first step towards creating their own reality and set out on a journey of conscious evolution, without any further postponement.
A call to wake up from the dream of being awake and re-claim the innate power that we are born with. As humans.
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